Ding Dong has shunned calls to create a Coronavirus dance move.

Despite public calls, Ding Dong says he and his Ravers Clavers dance crew will not be creating a Coronavirus dance.

The dancer-turned recording artiste says he nor his crew will not be using their talents to trivialize the serious disease.

“This is a serious matter, anuh nothing fi joke bout. This thing yah a affect every sector of society across the world – schools, sports, entertainment,” Ding Dong said.

“It a affect yuh, and it nuh care ’bout race, riches or gender. A nuh everything make fi gimmick and joke ’bout. As an artiste, I’m all about the fun, but this is not a fun thing and me coulda never do a dance fi some people siddung and joke and laugh about. Yuh know how much street dance cancel over this thing, how many people livelihood affected? Yuh know how much a my show dem get cancel because no travelling nah gwaan?”

According to the deejay, Jamaicans need to take the fast-spreading pandemic very seriously. “It’s a serious issue and me can’t joke about it, and Jamaicans shouldn’t joke, either,” he declared.

Ding Dong’s comments come after fans took to social media earlier this week asking the deejay to create the dance move.

“Wait a wha Ding Dong a wait pon fi mek the corona dance,” one fan joked.

Earlier this week, Prime Minister Andrew Holness declared the entire country a disaster area. Under the declaration, the government have activated emergency powers that will limit the movement and gathering of people.

Holness also imposed several travel restrictions against countries that have been severely affected. Some of the countries which have been hit with travel restrictions include; China, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom.

Jamaica has so far confirmed twelve cases of the virus, while prime minister warned that there will be more expected.

“We will see an increase in confirmed cases. We will see an increase in suspected cases,” Holness said.